
IELTS makes the English speaking test world go round. Here is a list of every article we have published on this topic this year, I hope there are of some use, and if there is any topic you would like us to cover, then please let us know.

Many of you will be studying for IELTS, and in my opinion it is the best test of English language ability. Which test should you take Academic or General?

For the writing test, these articles should be of some help.

Speaking is probably the hardest part of the test for many people, so hopefully this will help.

You need more vocabulary for all parts of the test, so check these articles out.

Reading always needs practice, so try this test Reading Test. Still not getting the score you want? Well you need to Improve Your Reading Score
Remember the different types of questions can be tricky though. False or Not Given?
Remember to think Qualifying Words about too
Here are a few more Tips that might help.

Before we finish, we nearly forgot to give you some Listening: Tips

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