IELTS Writing: Facts

There are some common questions people have about the IELTS writing test. If we missed anything, or you have any other questions about IELTS, put them in the comments and we will do our best to answer them. 
Q. Can I use a pen or pencil or during the test?
You can only use a pencil in most exam centres.

Q. Can I bring my lucky pen?
No – you will be provided with a pencil and an eraser.

Q. What if I make a mistake?
Put a single line through the mistake, and keep writing. Don’t waste time erasing anything.

Q. What do I do if I need more paper?
Raise your hand, and the invigilator will come over to you. Then ask them for more paper, they will give you as much as you want, but they will take it all back at the end of the test. It doesn’t matter if you only made notes on it.

Q. Can I get any paper for making a plan?
Yes, but if you do it on the answer paper then the examiner will see it. If you don’t want them to see your plan, then use the question paper to make your plan. It will also be collected at the end, but not given to the examiner.

Q. Will I lose marks, if my handwriting is bad?
If your writing can’t be read then yes, you will lose points. If you are really worried about it, get into the habit of using print (single letters) instead of cursive (joined letters)

Q. Can I write the whole test in CAPITAL LETTERS?
Yes you can, and it could be good for you, as then you do not have to worry about using capital letters in the right place.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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