IELTS Speaking PPF Strategy

This is a way to help you say more during your IELTS exam, and show a range of more complex grammar structures.

Consider the following question: 

The PPF strategy is simply when you answer the question in three parts, using the pastpresent and future. Consider this suggested answer.

“A few years ago, I went backpacking to Cambodia and Thailand. It was definitely far more exciting than any holiday I’d been on before. I’d only been to America, so South East Asia was a completely different experience for me. We did so many different things, rode Elephants in Chiang Mai, and saw some amazing places like the Killing Fields in Cambodia.” 

*We have used the past tense, now onto the present.
“I’ve got some photos from the trip on my cloud account. I still look at them when I am on the subway travelling to work, it gives me such happy memories and I start dreaming about going back there.”

*Bring your answer into the present to show your grammatical range, and to complete the set you need to cover the future. 
“In fact, I planning to take my fiancĂ©e there next year but we’re going to stay in some five star places this time because I want to treat her in the best way possible. We’ll probably go on some day trips to the best resorts. I can’t wait …”

So that is it, of course in your exam you will need more details to fill up your two minutes, but the main thing to take away is by dividing your answer into three different parts. You will have more to say, as you show how the past is important in the present and the future.

It will help you cover two of the four areas you need to cover. 
*Fluency & Coherence 
(Speaking at length)
*Grammatical Range & Accuracy 
(Covering all 3 tenses)

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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