It is hard to prepare for the IELTS speaking test without having the opportunity to talk to people in English regularly, but hopefully these six tips will help.
1. Enjoy mistakes
Your aim is to get the message across, do not worry if you have made some small grammar slips or not used exactly the right word. If you think you made a mistake that is stopping understanding go back and fix it. Otherwise just keep talking.
“My sister are a teacher, so she always talks about education, I mean my sister is a teacher, and she says education should be …"
2. Don’t focus on grammar too much
We do have fairly regular grammar articles here at IELTS Triumph, but they are more to help you with your writing not your speaking.
If you speak and are worrying about your grammar too much, you will sound weird, slow and not native.
3. Don’t translate in your head first
Once you have a basic English level you need to start thinking in English. Translating makes you lose fluency, and many words or phrases don’t have a direct translation.
4. Speak all the time
Yes it is easy to break English down into now I am studying reading, then it will be writing, then listening, grammar etc. But speak whenever you can. You are reading this in your head? If you are not on the subway, then you should read it aloud. It will improve your fluency as you train your tongue, mouth and vocal chords into the English way
5. Learn vocabulary as part of a phrase or sentence
Words lists improve your understanding, but there is a reason we put example sentences in the word lists we publish. It makes it much easier to use the word.
6. Use the best resources for your level
Yes the BBC is great, but it is not always the best way to learn. Watch a TV show or movie and copy what they say. Get the TED app on your phone, use resources that make you interested.
IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
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