IELTS Listening: Tips

In both the listening and speaking IELTS tests you will find text completion questions either as a summary or short sentences, which you have to complete.

Here are tips to help you get the best score you can.
1. With both summaries and short sentences you can expect to hear information that you don’t need to answer the question. Nevertheless use your note taking skills in case you miss something. There is some time after the listening test when you are transferring your answers to complete any remaining parts.

2. Remember the answers come in order, so if you hear the answer to question 3, then you have missed questions 1 & 2.

3. Highlight the key words in the questions, to help you identify the section of the recording you are listening to when you hear it.

4. When you think you have found the correct answer, read it, so you can be sure the answer is correct grammatically.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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