How to Reference

What is referencing?
This is when you show that you have used ideas that were written by someone else.
Why should you do it?
It shows that you have done your research, and the readers need to be able to see where you research comes from. If you do not do it, you could be accused of plagiarism.
how to reference

How do you do it?
There are a few different methods, but Harvard Referencing is probably the most widely used. Doing it correctly
How do I reference different types of materials?
When you have use another persons idea that you have found in your research, you must acknowledge it, and this is called ‘citing’. When you cite something you must give the author and the date it is published.If there are two authors than you need to use both names. You only include need the names and dates, you do not need to write the title or the place of publication. All the details will be in the bibliography at the end of your work. How to do that is coming in another post J
One author: Research from Lundgren (2012) shows a big difference to the work of Devine and Johnson.
Two Authors: Devine &Johnson (2014) showed that the research done by Lundgren could not be conclusive.
Sometimes there are three or more authors, then we use the abbreviation ‘et al’ after the first authors name.
Example: Winthrop et al (2015) showed that Lundgren was incorrect.
w Remember you will often be summarising or paraphrasing what the author wrote, and not directly quoting. It further shows your understanding of what you have read.
Secondary referencing
This is when you cite work that was cited by someone else first, and that is what you read not the original. Then you need to include the names of both authors. Remember that avoid secondary referencing as much as you can.
Example: Maxwell (1999) cited by Demamp (2004) showed … 

While paraphrasing or summarizing is best, sometimes you need a direct quote. First you need single quotation marks ‘’ not “X”. Secondly give the page number.
Example: Winston (2011: p18) declared that ‘the environment was deteriorating faster than expected.’
If you want to remove part of the original quote then use three dots to show you have removed a part …
Example: Winston (2011:p18) declared that ‘the environment was deteriorating faster than expected …however he suggested three solutions.’
If you are copying diagrams or other similar charts then you should do the same as if it was a direct quote.
It is 2017 after all, so you will probably find yourself citing from some online resources.
Electronic journals – Do the same as a paper journal and use just the authors name and publication date.
World Wide Web (WWW) – If there is clearly an author then again just use the authors name and publication date.
If there is no clear author, but it is an organisations website, then use the organisations name.
Example: The Ministry for Foreign Affairs (2016)
If there is no author then use the document title instead.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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