IELTS Speaking Signposts

We have introduced the idea of using signposts in your writing examinations. However they should also be used during your speaking examination. 

Remember the examiner is less concerned with what you are saying, and more concerned with how you make your points. Try to use some of these phrase in-between your points.
1) The first thing I should mention is that ...
2) The point I’d like to begin with is that ...
3) I could start off by saying that ...
4) The main thing you need to know is that ...
5) I suppose I should begin by highlighting the fact that ...
6) You may be aware that in fact ...
7) You might not be aware but in fact ...
8) I guess I could start of by mentioning that ...
9) The first thing you need to know is that ...
10) I suppose I have to begin somewhere so I may as well begin by saying that ...

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph                                        

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