IELTS Speaking: Making Notes

Tip on making notes in speaking part two

You could see a topic card like this during part 2 of your IELTS Speaking Test

Describe a famous person you are interested in. You should say:
   Who this person is
   how you know this person
   How this person has become famous
And explain why you like this person

You have one minute to prepare, so how should you use this time?
Here are some common errors people make during this important minute

1)  Telling the examiner when you are ready to start. 
Don’t waste your time, use every second to think of some useful points or vocabulary

2)  Writing in sentences. 
You only have 60 seconds, there is no time, write notes only

3)  Making no notes
If you just spend the whole time thinking, what will you do if you suddenly get nervous and can’t remember what you want to say?

4)  Not pacing the notes
The topic card has three bullet points and a final sentence, so try to do 30 seconds on each part.

5)  Reading from notes
Don’t read you note paper, as it will change your pronunciation. (You read aloud differently to how you will naturally speak.) Try to keep your head up and make eye contact with the examiner.

6)  Not being flexible with your notes
Don’t worry if you change your plan just keep it natural. Remember IELTS is a communication test, not a memory a test. If you cannot remember, tell the examiner. You can show your English level by explaining that you don’t remember.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph                                      

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