IELTS Speaking: Giving Longer Answers

Giving longer answers in IELTS speaking
Sometimes it can be hard to say enough during your IELTS speaking test, particularly during the second part.  

If you had the following question, how could you say more?
Do you think traditions are important?

Yes, I do because it gives a connection to the past. This is important; as it brings people together and reminds them of our shared history. However, I think traditions need to be flexible, they should reflect the present and the past, then they can still be relevant in the modern world.

1.  Why does this speaker think traditions are important?
2.  Why is it important to have this connection?
3.  What qualification does the speaker make?
4.  Why is this qualification important?

The answers to these questions, give examples of the  Why + So + But + Then formula you can use to expand your topic.
Why? Connection with the past
So? Brings people together
But? Need to be flexible
Then? Continue to be relevant

Why? Why do you feel that way about the question? Why is this your opinion?
So? Maybe the opinion presented in the first step (why?) is true, but what impact does it have? What’s the positive result of your opinion that makes you believe it?
But? Are there any parts of your opinion that could be considered wrong, or any other factors that need to be taken into account?
Then? If the point you raised in the But section happened, what would be the effect?

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph


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