IELTS Task Two Gap Fill

Today we are looking at IELTS writing again. This time though it is part two, just a simple gap fill exercise for you. You will see an excellent answer to the question whether people should buy a house or an apartment.

The following key words have been removed though. Your job is simply to decide which one goes where. To make it a little harder there is one extra word. Answers are at the bottom as always.
IELTS task two

A. Aspects           B. Circumstances
C. Major               D. Benefits
E. Community      F. Majority
G. Issue                H. Conclusion
I. Options              J. Maintain
K. Environment     L. Purchase
M. Significant        N. Ultimately

Many people nowadays face a difficult decision when they buy their own home. The question is whether they should buy a house or an apartment. There would seem to be clear (1) ____ and drawbacks to both.

Perhaps the (2)____advantage of living in a house is the (3)___of privacy. Typically, there is more opportunity for peace and       quiet, if you live in a house. This is particularly the case if it is a detached house. Other (4)____advantages are that houses are generally more spacious and on the whole havegardens. This is especially important if there is a family so that the childrencan have a safe (5)____ to play in. If, however, you live in a tower block, then the children may have to play outside on the pavement.

There are, of course, negative (6)____to living in houses. The greatest of these is that they tend to be more expensive to (7)____ and to (8)____. Indeed, a large (9)____ of people choose to live in apartments because they cannot afford the mortgage to buy a house. Another possible problem is that there are fewer houses in cities than the countryside. So if you like urban life, it may be preferable to live in an apartment. A second reason to avoid living in a house is that there is a greater sense of (10)____ to life in an apartment.

My (11)____would be that this is a well-balanced issue. There are probably an equal number of pros and cons to making either choice. (12)____,whether you decide to live in a cottage in the countryside or a duplex in the city depends on your own personality, family and financial (13)____.

1. D – Benefits
2. C – Major
3.  G – Issue
4.  M – Significant
5.  K – Environment
6.  A – Aspects
7.  L – Purchase
8.  J – Maintain
9.  F – Majority
10. E – Community
11. H – Conclusion
12. N – Ultimately
13. B – Circumstances

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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