IELTS Writing: Task One Graphs

When you start your IELTS task one, you need to look carefully at what the graph or chart is showing you. It is very common for students to lose points for not understanding the graph. 

Look at the sentences below and the graph that follows. One sentence is correct, which one, and what is the problem with the other sentences. Answers are at the bottom
1. In Japan, slightly less than 72% of men live longer than women
2. According to the chart, all women live longer than men.
3. There are more men in China than Cambodia.
4. The chart shows that in the six countries represented, women usually live longer than men.                                   

IELTS Writing task 1

1. In Japan, slightly less than 72% of men live longer than women. WRONG – It shows that in Japan men have a life expectancy of just less than 72 years. There is no percentage on the chart
2. According to the chart, all women live longer than men. WRONG – The chart shows the average life expectancy, not that all women live longer. It would be correct if it said the same as sentence four.
3. There are more men in China than Cambodia. WRONG – On average men in China live longer.
4. The chart shows that in the six countries represented, women usually live longer than men. RIGHT

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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