IELTS & TOEFL Vocabulary

Taking the TOEFL? Taking IELTS? 
Improve your speaking and writing vocabulary by adding these words to your vocabulary. 

1. Affinity: A natural experience of feeling or kinship.
Example: "I have an affinity for my fellow Brits."
2. Fledgling: Young & inexperienced
Example: "He is still a fledgling teacher."

3. Incessant: Never stopping
Example: "James is incessantly cheerful."

4. Proximity: Nearness, Closeness
Example: "I don't like the proximity of some people to me on the subway."

5. Dispassionate: Impartial, Calm, free from emotion.
Example: "I am dispassionate about BreExit."

6. Effervescent: Bubbly, lively.
Example: "Fiona is such an effervescent student, she is great fun."

7. Misanthrope: Someone who dislikespeople in general.
Example: "Does John like anybody? He is such a misanthrope."

8. Exemplary: Outstanding, an example to others.
Example: "Lionel Messi is an exemplary footballer."

9. Exuberance: Joyful enthusiasm 
Example: "Kindergarten children have such exuberance for everything."

10. Insolvent: Unable to pay bills, bankrupt
Example: "The company is insolvent, you will not see much more of them around here."

11. Surreptitious: Secret, stealthy
Example: "My husband is being very surreptitious lately."

12. Frivolous: Not serious in content or attitude or behaviour.
Example: "So many Wechat groups are frivolous."

13. Lampoon: Ridicule with satire
Example:"Have you seen the Daily Show? They lampoon everything."

14. Respite: A pause for relaxation
Example: "My weekend away was a great respite from work."

15. Copious: Large in number or quantity.
Example: "There is a copious amount of people on the subway in the morning."

16. Eloquent: Persuasive and moving, especially in speech.
Example:"Barack Obama is a very eloquent speaker."

17. Levity: Lightness of manner
Example: "Jimmy always brings levity to any problems."

18. Peripheral: Marginal, Outer
Example: "I feel like a peripheral figure, when I have nothing to add to the conversation."

19. Commiserate: To feel or express sympathy or compassion.
Example: "I failed the exam, and my friends, commiserated with me."

20. Expedient: Serving to promote your interest.
Example: "He is so expedient, and doesn't care about others."

21. Kindle: Start a fire, ignite, inspire, arouse.
Example: "His speech was like kindling, it made me want to do so much more."

22. Lavish: Generous, extravagant
Example: "She pays for everything, she is so lavish."

23. Ludicrous: Ridiculous, laughable, absurd.
Example:"It's ludicrous if she expects to get a 9.0 in IELTS."

24. Opaque: Not clear
Example: "The last example was very opaque."

25. Recapitulate: To summarise, to repeat briefly.
Example: "I recapitulated my main points, at the end of my essay."

26. Accolade: Award of merit; strong praise and approval.
Example: "I won an accolade for my teaching last week."

27. Cacophony: Loud confusing disagreeable sounds.
Example: "At a football match you hear a cacophony of noise."

28. Censure: Rebuke formally.
Example: "I have been late so many times, my boss censured me this morning."

29. Edifice: A very large building.
Example: "There are so many edifice's in Beijing."

30. Gravity: Seriousness, importance.
Example: "I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation."

31. Somber: Dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirt.
Example: "The funeral was a somber affair."

32. Duplicity: Double-dealing, hypocrisy
Example:"He is so duplicitous, don't believe anything he says.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph                                        

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