IELTS Speaking: Business Vocabulary

Do you work or are you a student?
What is your ideal job?
Describe a business you know that you admire. You should say 
IELTS Speaking vocabulary

What this business is
What the business sells
How long you have known about the business
and say why you like it so much.
Why do some people decide to set up their own business?
What are some of the dangers involved in starting a business?
What are some of things you have to do when running your own business that might not appeal to everyone?

These are all questions you could hear when taking a speaking test, but how to answer them. Well hear is some key business vocabulary you should be using when faced with those questions.

Balance the books = to not spend more money than you are earning
Balancing the books when you have just started a business cannot be easy.”

Be self-employed = To work for yourself, to be your own boss.
“I would love to be self-employed if I could find a way to do it, and still make enough money.”

Cold call = When you call someone to try and sell them something without asking their permission.
“One job I would hate to do is cold calling.”

Cut throat competition = When companies are in fierce competition with each other, they lower their prices to force other companies to do the same. In often gets to a point where companies are no longer making a profit.
“Working in finance seems to be too cut throat for me.”

Market research = Research into what customers want from the company
“Before deciding on a new product companies need to do some market research.”

Drum up business = When a business is trying to get new customers.
“There are many different ways to drum up business.”

Earn a living = To make money
“I am tired of studying, I want to earn a living.”

Go bust/Go under = A business is unsuccessful, so it has to close.
“We are not making a profit, and we will go bust in a month at this rate, we need to drum up some new business or know that we will go under.”

Cash flow = The money coming in and going out
“Our cash flow is good, but I feel like there is more going out than coming in.”

Have a web presence = When you business has a website or something similar online
“I can’t believe any business in 2018 doesn’t have a web presence.”

Launch a product = When a business starts selling and promoting a new product
“I imagine it is hard to launch a product in such a crowded market place.”

Lay someone off = When an employees contract ends
“We are going to lay you off at the end of the month, we don’t want to renew your contract.”

Niche business = A business that serves a small, particular market
“I think 西瓜English is a niche business, but I enjoy it.”

Raise a company profile = When you make more people aware of a business
“I don’t know the best way to raise our profile, do you have any suggestions?”

Run your own business = When you are the boss of your own business.
Running my own business would be a dream.”

Stiff competition = When there is strong competition between companies in the same area
“There is some stiff competition between established competitors, but we are happy enough with our growth.” 

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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