IELTS Do's and Don'ts

4 things you should do, and 4 things you should not do when you are taking your IELTS writing test.

1. Make sure you answer the question.
Read it carefully, and do exactly what it asks you to do. Then make a plan to get your ideas in order before you start.

2. Use an appropriate structure.
There are many different types of questions; you need to learn all the different methods.

3. Most questions ask you for your opinion. 
Make sure you give your opinion throughout the essay, and do so clearly.

4. Keep it simple.
You only have 40 minutes; you are not expected to produce a flawless piece of work. Often the best work is the simplest work.

1. Don't show off. 
Yes you are being marked on your grammar and vocabulary, but if you are not completely sure about a word. Don't use it

2. Don't try and memorise an answer.
Yes your grammar and vocabulary will be good, but you will probably not have answered the question properly.

3. Don't use ‘Moreover’‘However’ and ‘Nowadays’ too much. 
Once in the essay for each one is fine, not one in each sentence.

4. Don't write a sentence, that doesn't have a purpose.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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