IELTS Writing: Task Two Question Parts

The 3 parts of a Task 2 IELTS writing question
Generally task two writing questions come in three parts.
1. The general topic (a situation which is generally accepted as being true)
2. The focus (an opinion, suggestion or speculation about the situation)
3. The task words (telling you what you should do)

For example:
Advances in technology and automation have reduced the need for manual labour.
Therefore working hours should be reduced.
To what extent do you agree?

Can you find the 3 different parts in these writing questions? 
A. High-salary jobs often include free health insurance as part of an employment contract. However, such private medical insurance is unfair, as it offers preferential treatment to the wealthy. Do you agree?
1. General Topic: High-salary jobs often include free health insurance as part of an employment contract.
2. Specific Topic: Private medical insurance is unfair as it offers preferential treatment to the wealthy
3. Task Words: Do you agree?

B. The number of elderly people in the world is increasing. This will lead to a number of social and medical problems. To what extent do you agree?
1. General Topic: The number of elderly people in the world is increasing
2. Specific Topic: This will lead to a number of social and medical problems
3. Task Words: To what extent do you agree?

C. Computer games have become the primary source of entertainment for most young children. As a result, children are not forming traditional social skills. What do you think could be done to reverse this trend?
1. General topic:  Computer games and children.
2. Specific Topic: Children are not forming traditional social skills
3. Task Words: What do you think could be done to reverse this trend?

Is there a difference between Do you agree or disagree? and To what extent do you agree?
Do you agree or disagree? This means you are free to completely agree or disagree if you choose to do so.
To what extent do you agree? This suggests that no sensible argument can be based on completely disagreeing with the proposition.

Not all Task Two essays have three clear parts, but you still need to identify the topic and task words. If any difficult vocabulary is used, it might be explained.

What is the topic in each of the titles below? What are the task words?
1. Some people need medical treatment due to an addiction such as to smoking or drugs. Should they be treated regardless of the cause?
2. Euthanasia should be a human right. What is your opinion?
3. The government is not providing enough medical care for the elderly. Do you agree or disagree?
4. People are becoming obsessed with their health and diet. Suggest possible reasons why.

1. Topic: Providing medial treatment to people with addictions.
Task: Should they be treated?
2. Topic: Euthanasia is a right
Task: What do you think?
3. Topic: Elderly medical care
Task: Is it enough?
4. Topic: Obsession with health and diet
Task: Why?

Once you have identified the topic and task words, it is best to rewrite them into something short and logical.
Question: A wide range of vegetarian food is now in shops. Even though an increasing number of people are becoming vegetarian, it is not healthy. To what extent do you agree?’
You can keep this simple, by just writing “Is it healthy to be a vegetarian?”

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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