IELTS Writing: Tips

Today we are going to go through the steps you should follow when you are taking any writing exam.

1) Answer the Question not the Topic.
Example: Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. 
What is this question about?
Global Warming? 
no no no.
It is about sea levels rising, and how that gives humans problems. 

2) Analyse the Question Properly.
If you do not analyse the question properly, you will find it hard to get over a 5.0. All you need to do is read the question, and understand what you have to do. What are the topic, the focus and the instruction of the question.

Example: The continued rise in the world's population is the greatest problem face by humanity at the present time.
What are the causes of this continued rise?
Do you agree that it is the greatest problem faced by humanity?
Topic = Rise in the world's population
Focus = Greatest problem, continued rise
Instruction = Causes, do you agree?
Remember to write about both parts; the causes and if you agree that it is greatest problem. 

3) Plan
Take the first five minutes to plan your work, and analyse the question. If you do not do this, then you might get lost in what you are trying to say halfway through the test.
ielts writing tips

4) Structure 
IELTS part 2 questions usually have a standard format. What is you opinion, discuss different points of view, you discuss the advantages / disadvantages of the causes / problems and solutions to an issue.
This means you can have a structure for each type of essay in mind before you even get to the exam. A problem solution essay might look like this.

Paragraph - 1
Sentence 1 = Paraphrase Sentence 
Sentence 2 = Outline Sentence
Paragraph 2
Sentence 3 = State Problem
Sentence 4 = Explain Problem
Sentence 5 = Result of Problem
Sentence 6-7 = Example
Paragraph 3
Sentence 8 = State Solution
Sentence 9 = Explain Solution
Sentence 10 = Example
Paragraph 4
Sentence 11 = Conclusion
Sentence 12 = Recommendation / Prediction

By following a structure it means you are following something, which has worked before and will work again.

Other Tips
Don't Show Off
If you are not sure about a piece of grammar or some vocabulary, don't use it. Complicated vocabulary and advanced grammar used wrongly, will not impress your examiner.

Make Your Opinion Clear
Use phrases like these in your introduction.
It is believed that ...
It is agreed that …
It is disagreed that …
This essay agrees that ...
This essay does not agree that …
The body of your essay will then show why you have your opinion.

3) Careful With Your Grammar
Small mistakes might not seem like much, but if you have mistakes in more than half your sentences, then you are not going to get a 7.0 or more.

4) Write a Little More Than The Word Limit.
They will count how many words you write. You will lose marks if you do not, aim for 10-15% over.

5) Write Clear Topic Sentences
Make them easy and clear to read, and your score will go up.

6) Do Task 2 First
It's worth 66% of your score, and it takes longer, so make sure you finish it. Practice under exam conditions, and get your timing right.

7) Keep it Simple
The examiner knows you are working in a time limit, and they do not expect the same standard as if you had weeks to write the answer.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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