IELTS: Adjectives

Adjectives! Everyone knows what they are, but what about the two different types"predicative" and "attributive"?
What are they?
Which ones should you be using?

Look at these three sentences. Which is the most academic one?
1. The state of the environment is worrying.
2. The environmental state is worrying.
3. The worrying environmental state.
The second and third sentences are more academic and more concise, but the third sentence would need another clause for it to make sense.

In Academic English it is best to use attributive adjectives. An attributive adjective comes before the noun. In the first and second sentences 'worrying’ is a predicative adjective as it comes after the verb. In the second sentence 'environmental' is an attributive adjective. The third sentence has two attributive adjectives 'worrying' and'environmental'

Look at the following examples:
1. The leaders of politics are meeting this week.
2. Pollution caused by industry is worrying.
3. The problem is international.
4. We are going to look at issues about the environment.
5. There are some problems regarding geography in this area.

These five sentences are fine, but they are not great. They are too wordy. Now consider these five sentences when written in an academic style.
1. The political leaders are meeting this week.
2. Industrial pollution is worrying.
3. This is an international problem.
4. We are going to look at environmental issues.
5. There are some geographical problems in this area.

So remember when you are doing your Academic IELTS writing, use attributive adjectives, and you will sound much more academic.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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