The hardest part of a reading test is when you get those True, False, Not Given questions. Deciding on the difference between ‘false’ and ‘not given’ can be complicated sometimes. The basic rule is to decide are the two things both possible, or is only one possible.
The reading article says: “The sun is hot”, and the question is “The sun is yellow” True, False, Not Given.
Is it possible for something to be hot and yellow, in this situation the answer would be Not Given, because both are possible.
If the statement was “The sun is cold” then the answer must be false, because it cannot be hot and cold at the same time.
The other rule is that you need specific evidence in the text if it is false. If you can’t find something in the text, which says the opposite to the statement, then it should be ‘Not Given’.
IELTS Triumph
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