IELTS Vocabulary Test

Complete these sentences using one of the words below, you may need to change the word form. Answers are at the bottom.

Transform, Phase, Fluctuate, Accumulate, Amend, Equivalent, Anticipate, Lack, Abandon, Barbaric
1. In some countries, the of clean water and sanitation is resulting in many deaths.
2. The customer wanted to add an extra desk to the office, so the quotation had to be with the new price.
3. The temperature in France can be unreliable and often between quite warm and quite cold even in summer.
4. The third and final of the course involves testing and feedback.
5. In many cities, the government is old, run down areas into new apartment complexes, shops and parks.
6. It is difficult to reach certain areas when cleaning, which is why dirt often there.
7. The warranty guarantees that if the device cannot be fixed, it will be replaced by the same or an item.
8. In some countries, there are complete cities that have been – there’s no one living there at all.
9. Many people feel that the death penalty is and should not be used in a civilised society.
10. I don’t that there will be any problems as we have done this many times before, but just in case, I’ll give you my mobile number.

1. Lack, 2. Amended, 3. Fluctuates, 4. Phase, 5. Transforming, 6. Accumulates, 7. Equivalent, 8. Abandoned, 9. Barbaric, 10. Anticipate

IELTS Triumph
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