IELTS Writing: Useful Language

Here is a collection of phrases, which you should consider using in task two of your IELTS writing. 

To Introduce the Topic
It can be argued that …
It should be considered whether …
This question raises the issue of …

Giving your opinion (thesis statement)
It could be believed that …
The belief can be held that …
This essay will argue that …

To show the range of your work
This essay will examine …
… will be covered in this piece of work.
It will be stated that …

Giving reasons
One reason for this is that …
It can be explained by …
This could be attributed to the fact that …

To give further reasons
Not only that, but
Another reason is …
In addition there is the fact that …
It should also be stated that …

To quote general opinions
As we all know (Do not assume what the examiner knows)
It has been claimed that …
There is a belief that …
It is widely believed that …

To disagree with the other side
This would be disputed by the fact that …
However, this is not necessarily the case/fact/truth
There are some problems with this reasoning/argument, however …

To avoid being overprecise
One reason might be …
This suggests that …
It could be argued that …

To strengthen your points
There is no doubt that …
These are some of the reasons why …
It can then be said beyond any doubt that …

To conclude or summarise
Overall …l
On the whole …
To return to the original point …
To sum up, ….
In short, ….

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph

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