IELTS Speaking Myths Vs Reality

There is a lot of information out there about the IELTS speaking test.

It can sometimes be hard to know what is true and what is false. Here are the essential facts and some of the myths too
IELTS Speaking myths vs reality

1. It will take 11-14 minutes to complete your speaking test.
The time is strictly controlled; so don't be surprised if you are suddenly stopped during part 3.

2. The test has three parts.
In Part 1, you will answer general questions about yourself.
In Part 2 you need to speak for 2 minutes on a topic you are given.
In Part 3, the examiner will ask you more in-depth questions relating to the topic in part 2.

3. It's OK to stop speaking after one minute in part 2
Part of the test is your ability to be fluent and coherent, so you need to speak for the whole two minutes. If you finish early, you can expect it to lower your final score.

 4. In Part 2, the topic card will have 4 points that you MUST talk about
The points are to help you, but you are not required to talk about everything. As long as you are on the same topic you will be fine.

5. The examiner will take the card back after about a minute, while you are still talking.
They will ask for the card back after you have finished Part 2, but not before.

6. You should give short answers for Part One
You should always say as much as you can, if the examiner wants you to stop they will tell you.

IELTS Triumph
~ Every little helps ~
Instagram:   @ieltstriumph


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