If you talk about people you are going to be talking about personality. These adjectives are positive, negative and neutral ones.
Indecisive (ɪndɪˈsʌɪsɪv)
A person who cannot make decisions quickly and effectively
Open-minded (əʊp(ə)nˈmʌɪndɪd)
Somone willing to consider new ideas
“The Guardian has a lot of open-minded writers that’s why I enjoy reading it.”
Impatient (ɪmˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt)
Someone who is quickly irritated or provoked
“I am so impatient when I am driving.”
Careful (ˈkɛːfʊl, ˈkɛːf(ə)l)
When you make sure you avoid any potential danger, mishap or harm. Cautious
“I am careful when I go shopping.”
Trustworthy (ˈtrʌs(t)wəːð)
When you can be relied on to be honest or truthful
“I left my key with my neighbor, he is a trustworthy man.”
Selfish (ˈsɛlfɪʃ)
A person, action or motive, which doesn’t consider other people
“She is a selfish woman, no one likes her.”
Optimistic (ɒptɪˈmɪstɪk)
A person who is hopeful and optimistic about the future
‘I am optimistic about my IELTS score, that went really well.”
Sociable (ˈsəʊʃəb(ə)l)
Someone who is willing to talk and take part in activities with other people. Friendly
“My new girlfriend is very sociable.”
Attentive (əˈtɛntɪv)
Someone who pays close attention to everything
“He is an attentive listener.”
Cheerful (ˈtʃɪəfʊl, ˈtʃɪəf(ə)l)
Someone who is noticeably happy and optimistic
“Class at 8am, how are you so cheerful?”
Ambitious (amˈbɪʃəs)
Someone with a strong desire and determination to succeed.
“I am an ambitious writer, this is just the first step.”
Spontaneous (spɒnˈteɪnɪəs)
Someone with an open, natural and uninhibited manner
“I try to be spontaneous, and just go where my heart takes me.”
Sensitive (ˈsɛnsɪtɪv)
Someone who is easily offended or upset
“I shouldn’t be so sensitive, but what he said was really rude.”
Someone who quickly appreciates other feelings.
“You were very sensitive in the way you talked to her when she was crying.”
Hardworking (ˌhɑːdˈwəːkɪŋ)
Someone who works with energy and commitment
“I am a hardworking teacher, and I hope it takes me somewhere.”
Reserved (rɪˈzəːvd)
Someone who is slow to reveal emotion or opinions
“I am a reserved man, people don’t know what I really think.”
Aggressive (əˈɡrɛsɪv)
Someone who is ready to attack or confront others
“He was so aggressive when I accused him of cheating on his essay.”
Impolite (ɪmpəˈlʌɪt)
Someone who is rude, and doesn’t show or have good manners
“It is impolite to ask a woman her age.”
Moody (ˈmuːdi)
A person who unpredictably changes their mood
“My wife can be moody, you just have to get through it.”
Lazy (ˈleɪzi)
Someone who is not willing to work or use their energy
“My son is so lazy, I wish he would go get a job during the summer holiday.”
Generous (ˈdʒɛn(ə)rəs)
Someone who is ready to give more of something (especially money) than is necessary or expected
“I was generous with the hongbao’s during this Spring Festival.”
Caring (ˈkɛːrɪŋ)
Someone who shows kindness and concern for others
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